
Influencer Marketing Infographic – 6 Step Guide To Campaign Success


Influencer Marketing continues to be a key strategy to develop brand awareness, engagement and sales. This six-step influencer marketing infographic is a simple step by step guide to help you plan your next campaign.

As the Influencer Marketing statistics demonstrate, many marketers have yet to explore the benefits of harnessing the power of influencer marketing.

Despite the reported pitfalls of fake followers and some other bad press, influencer marketing continues to be a valuable way to grow a brand.

For those that are new to influencer marketing, it isn’t simply a case of picking someone who has thousands of followers.

If that were the case, anyone could be an influencer.

There are plenty of fake accounts with people who have simply brought followers, or set up a bot on your account to follow/unfollow.

Previously, many brands have chased the vanity numbers and used followers as a metric for social media success. Whereas, it is engagement rates that really matter.

And this is where many brands have gone wrong, chasing people with hundreds of thousands of (often fake) followers, and have been burned when the campaign didn’t perform as anticipated.

Influencer marketing, like many other types of marketing, needs to be coherent, relevant and fit to an overall growth marketing strategy.

Partnering with influencers is already familiar to many brands, but the market is undergoing constant change: Brands must continually evolve their strategies accordingly.

The market is rapidly expanding as influencer types have proliferated, with influencers filling every conceivable niche and sub-niche interest.

Mapping Influencers and Their Audiences To Your Brand

Influencer marketing is a not a one-hit transaction. Aim to build and develop your understanding over time as you develop your relationships with your influencers.

Some key points to remember are:


Picking random influencers doesn’t work – period. Even if you think they might be a good fit, often there audience isn’t right. Do your homework first and map audiences.

Use tools that can deliver insights such as:

For more see my article on the best Influencer Marketing Platforms.

Use your marketing personas and own data to match audiences and target influencers. You are often better to partner with influencers who have fewer followers, but still good engagement rates than chase the bigger influencers.

It also depends on your goals. Match them carefully so you understand how and what influencers are going to be right for your campaign.

Personally, I’ve used pre-launch campaigns with more smaller level followers to create anticipation in the market. This works well especially if you feed them nuggets of exclusive news prior to the launch.

Just as you want to grow your brand, an influencer will also have their own goals. Take time to understand them and what value you can bring to them

Bottom line is you should you need to be clear about the objectives for your campaign. Moreover, both the brand and the influencer fully understand what’s expected.

This is where my own concept of ‘Brand Execution’ plays an important role in work with influencers. By applying powerful creative insight with the brilliant application of data and direct techniques to give a brand the best of both worlds. The right influencers push both brand and sales.

One of the best ways to do this is to share data and insights. To have a successful relationship with a brand, influencers should also be more willing to share data and insights from their side.

For more information on influencer marketing, you can view the blog on the Best Influencer Marketing Platforms or visit the Influencer Marketing Tools resources.

Influencer Marketing Infographic

This is a simple step by step guide to help you plan your own influencer marketing campaign.

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<a href=""><img style="width:100%;" src=""></a><br>Infographic Design by Gary Fox <a href="">gary fox</a>
influencer marketing infographic

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Published by
Gary Fox