
Namecheck the easy way to search a name and find its availability across all the social media channels.


Namechk checks your name’s availability across dozens of websites and databases, giving you a detailed outline of your name’s availability in every corner of the web.

By default, the NameChk Web app displays results for 82 of what it deems the most popular social networks and websites. You can click Show all below the search box to display all 157 sites it searches.

Once you enter your search name and press enter, the results are returned quickly, with each site showing a green available banner or a red taken banner. As an added bonus, NameChk displays a handful of available URLs above the sites it checks for available usernames. Clicking on a site from the NameChk list opens that site in a new tab, and clicking on one of its domain suggestions opens a GoDaddy tab.

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Published by
Gary Fox