
Stand out from the crowd while sending an email. Create a sleek professional email signature with all your important details in minutes.


WiseStamp is a professional email signature solution. With WiseStamp you can choose from PRO templates to create a business email signature. This is an ideal tool for freelancers, micro-business and self-employed professionals to design a signature to grow their business.

The platform allows you to create email signatures for Outlook, Gmail, iPhone, Apple Mail, and Yahoo. It provides a smart and unique way to market your brand with every email you send.

WiseStamp is powered by WiseBrand; a suite of robust and easy-to-use business applications aimed at micro and small businesses. What you get with the pro version is a variety of professional signature templates, designs, and apps.

Essentially, it helps you turn the email signature into a useful tool that adds images in for social media sites and makes your signature look more professional.

One key feature of WiseStamp is the variety of prebuilt professional email signature template. The solution’s signature templates ensure that regardless of the industry you are in, there is always a template to help you stand out.

However, if you prefer to create your own template, WiseStamp also provides tools to create a custom email signature template to fit your brand and business needs.

The platform features a management dashboard that gives you control over every email sent by your company. The dashboard streamlines the standardization of all email signatures and allows you to update them with a consistent message. This is particularly useful for small businesses and ones where you have remote workers. Furthermore, this dashboard makes it easy to control the look and feel of every signature and as an admin, you can make changes across all signatures.

Try Wisestamp

Wisestamp the free email signature generator


Published by
Gary Fox