Miro Visual Collaboration


Miro takes whiteboards and visual collaboration to a new level using cloud-based technology.

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What is Miro?

A picture is worth a thousand words, so the saying goes. For this reason, a virtual whiteboard that allows people to collaborate must be worth at least a million. As a solution allows groups to create“endless” whiteboards online. A whiteboard can be used for all sorts of purposes, from organizing workflows to brainstorming ideas and even managing basic tasks in a visual way.

Miro is suited to anyone that needs to collaborate visually; individuals, teams, educational groups, and even large organisations.

Key Features of Miro:

Although you may be thinking that a virtual whiteboard isn’t very exciting, then let me explain some of the powerful features that make Miro so impressive.

The platform allows users to draw and write on their own boards. Each user can create sticky notes and add links. Unlike traditional whiteboards, these boards are set up to support digital files. Users can quickly upload pictures, PDFs and Office files, videos (from YouTube or Vimeo), and documents from Google Drive, and they can place those files directly on their boards.

Of course, a whiteboard is really only useful when it’s shared. and that’s where this solution excels. There are a number of collaboration tools, that allow teams to share concepts and ideas. Users are encouraged to comment on the updates made by their teammates. Any changes that are made to a whiteboard occur in real-time. At the end of a session, users can export their boards as PDFs or image files and post to social media pages, or embed onto websites or blogs.

Try Miro

Visually collaborate with teams of all sizes

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Published by
Gary Fox