Sketch App Design


Sketch is a vector based program, making everything infinitely scalable, which makes it simple to export assets at twice the size for sharp retina displays, so no more blurry pixels.

Why use Sketch?

Where does Sketch fit in? Illustrator is still the go-to for icon and logo design, Photoshop for its image manipulation mastery and finally, Sketch which incorporates both file types is for interface design.

  • Strong support community around Sketch.
  • Work on an infinite canvas and infinite board.
  • Sketch works very much like CSS with the ability to link styles for elements.

Another great feature is the way it handles your typographic framework. By creating a typographic framework at the beginning of your design project, you can make global changes almost instantly by making a change to an H1 style on your framework styles sheet, for example, and then syncing it throughout your document.

There is also a handy autosave feature which will help to give every designer closure on all the times that a Photoshop document has crashed and burned hours of delicate design work over the years.

Another time saver is that Wireframing and UI design can be consolidated under the one tool within Sketch.

Another handy little plugin is the ‘place linked bitmap’ plugin, this handy tool allows for the editing of bitmap files (JPG, PSD, PNG etc) once they have been placed into the app then its easy to update in the master Sketch file and synced up.

On occasion, there may be a last minute request to change a font or colour. Historically, this can add countless hours to a design project. However, this makes this pain-free through linked assets and styles but doesn’t make a habit of it!

If you’re like me and you use Slack as one of your main communication tools, you will be pleased to hear that Sketch designs can be ‘drag and dropped’ straight into a Slack conversation. This makes it easy to rapidly send though designs.

Due to the fact that Sketch makes it easier for the design and the development team to work closely together. As a result, the margin for error on a design project becomes significantly reduced.

From a personal perspective, I will conclude by saying that Sketch has been integral in the way in which the design process works.

Try Sketch

An intuitive vector editor, lightning fast prototyping and powerful collaboration tools, Sketch has everything you need to turn your ideas into incredible products.

Other design tools

More Resources for Startups and New Ventures

Creating a business and getting customers is hard. From nurturing your idea to taking it to market you burn through hours of time and money in the hope it will all be ok, that customers will buy your product or service.

Being unique and competitive though isn't just about your product though.

Let's face it, it isn't hard these days to copy a product or service!

What is hard is to replicate a business model - the unique capabilities you develop that set you apart.

I've put together a lot of tools to help people not just develop another easily attacked business, but to create something special - a unique business model. Use these to get started on your business model journey:




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