Chatfuel The Perfect Chatbot Tool For Startups


Chatfuel is one of the biggest chatbot platforms for Facebook Messenger. bot building platforms. Chatfuel also connects to Telegram.

Building a chatbot is a good solution for many businesses, but you’ll still need humans for several reasons. Just to mention a few:

  • you can’t automate everything.
  • individual issues like problems with orders that need human decision making.

Chatfuel’s key features

This is where Chatfuel really shines. Some of the functions you won’t need. Some of them are easy, such as creating a message or adding an image. Some of them enable more advanced Messenger flows and can be quite complex to set up. In my course, Bot Mastery I explain these in detail so anyone can do it for their business.

If you’re starting out with chatbots, I would recommend starting rather slow, or on a test FB page, so you give yourself enough room for inevitable mistakes.

In this section, I’m going to expand on the following features:

  1. Blocks
  2. Artificial Intelligence
  3. Growth Tools
  4. Sequences, Broadcasts
  5. Plugins

Blocks (Messages)

The basics of the chatbot are blocks which a user engages with on the FB Page A block is can have several messages in it.

Chatfuel Blocks

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Chatfuel’s Keywords tool is more than just keywords, because it is matches words to the user’s intent, even if it does not match 100% the AI setup.

Growth Tools

Chatfuel has the tools to help you grow your business. This includes enticing more users into our Messenger funnels:

There are 3 powerful methods to acquire customers and Chatfuel offers all 3 of these:

  • Comment auto reply method
  • FB ad with Messenger as ad destination
  • A landing page with a button to the bot

To find out more watch the video below.

Other chatbots to consider

More Resources for Startups and New Ventures

Creating a business and getting customers is hard. From nurturing your idea to taking it to market you burn through hours of time and money in the hope it will all be ok, that customers will buy your product or service.

Being unique and competitive though isn't just about your product though.

Let's face it, it isn't hard these days to copy a product or service!

What is hard is to replicate a business model - the unique capabilities you develop that set you apart.

I've put together a lot of tools to help people not just develop another easily attacked business, but to create something special - a unique business model. Use these to get started on your business model journey:




business growth ebook






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