21 Seo Tactics

20 SEO Tactics To Build More Traffic

Why SEO Tactics Are Important

SEO is an essential part of your online marketing. Moreover, SEO tactics are essential of your online strategy and activities to support your SEO goals.

Search engine users click on organic results on Google by a margin of 94% to 6% – Source: Econsultancy. First of all, you need to have a clear and focused long-term goal for organic SEO.

However, keywords with commercial intent are worth a lot to businesses. For this reason, these keywords need to be a focus for your SEO tactics. Essentially, these words are used when a person is looking to buy a product or service (for example: “buy stainless steel dishwasher”).

Pay Per Click Ads (PPC) have been gaining more ground on the results page. Google PPC Ads are relevant at the time when a customer searches for a product and measurable. So you can use PPC as a tactical tool to drive traffic and sales.

Google is now penalizing bad SEO tactics and favouring a more natural way to rank websites. The Google search algorithm, called Penguin, has changed SEO. Google could punish your site if you are using bad and old SEO tactics. The emphasis is now on delivering relevant content to your target audience and harnessing social media.

Do SEO the ‘Penguin way’ and you will get more traffic, more customers and grow your business.

Here are 20 SEO Tactics To Build Get More Traffic

#1. Start With Your Website.

The priority for any business is to identify and target a niche marketing strategy. A niche market fits the long tail of search – in other words, you want a market that is low in competition but high in volume.

Follow a Long Tail Strategy: All SEO strategies start by identifying the keywords for your market/sector: here are some useful tools:

  1. Google Trends – identifies the trends for keywords.
  2. Insights – compare search volume patterns across based on regions, categories, time frames and properties.
  3. Google AdWords – use variations of keywords.
  4. Search Metrics.
  5. Wordtracker – my personal favourite.
  6. Ubersuggest – great for reviewing long tail keywords.

See my post on best SEO tools.

#2. Optimize Your Content

Develop a long-term and sustainable SEO strategy that focuses on long-tail keywords.

Key Actions:

  1. Blog– use your blog to create regular content focused around your keywords.
  2. Social – make sure your blog has highly visible social share buttons, and you actively promote it through social channels.
  3. Research – use keyword research to find opportunities that provide good search volume at reasonably competitive levels (low if you can).
  4. STOP – jamming/stuffing your blog or website with keywords – Google WILL penalise your site if it looks like you SEO spamming it.
  5. DO create a strong SEO Title Tag for your website:
    Some Seo Tactics To Help Build Your Brand
  6. Place your keywords at the beginning.
  7. Use key phrases instead of keywords.
  8. Separate your keywords with hyphens (-) or pipes (|): Both will make it easier for your audience to scan your title tag.
  9. Use a Keyword in Your Page and Post Headlines – use a key phrase in the headline of each page and blog post. Place it at the beginning and avoid going over 70 characters in length.
  10. Write headlines that grab attention – create killer headlines that are relevant but get people to click.
  11. Write a Great Meta Description – the meta description is no longer necessary for SEO, but it is essential for how people view that link on Google. So focus on a meta description that will get people’s attention and entice them to click.
    Seo Meta Description
  12. Use The Alt Attribute in pictures – often overlooked but valuable.
    Seo Alt Attribute

#3. Website Structure

  1. Keep It Flat. Search Engines shouldn’t have to go more than three layers deep on your website. Overcomplicated structures often lose people and make navigation hard.
  2. Clean URL Signposting. The URL structures on your site should be relevant to the content and a good fit for the content.
  3. Speed. Check the speed of your website. Use Pingdom. It is one of the factors that Google uses to rank your website. Slow means that it will probably cause people to click away. If you want to understand Bounce rate see Avinash’s superb blog Occam’s Razor (link is to the Bounce rate post.)
    Reducing the size of your image files can dramatically speed up your website.
  4. Internal Links – build internal relevant groups of knowledge – see my best SEO tips.

#4. Off Page SEO

  1. Build a Tribe. Social media is a big influence on your search results. Google penguin looks for RELEVANT links from blogs, and “social signals” every-time someone Tweets, Likes or +1′s your content.
  2. Be Google friendly. Make sure you use relevant schema and markup tags – test your structured data with Google.
  3. Quality vs Quantity. There is a balance between quantity keeping your posts fresh and quality. I think that quality wins every time – producing top quality content for your audience matters and it shows in how you present your blog and what content you share. Remember,  good content equals more shares.
  4. Invite Guest Bloggers.  Guest bloggers can help you save time, i.e. give you a break from blogging, provide fresh perspectives for your audience and often have a new audience that follows them and create links back to your blog. #5. Stop Your Bad SEO Tactics.

On-Page SEO Tactics

  1. Keyword density. There is no need to fret over this. Google is now looking for a more natural style of writing rather than jamming your page to the hilt with SEO words. Page spamming makes the style unfriendly and is considered artificial.
  2. Paying people to create backlinks via blog comments – if your SEO is touting this as a promise to increase your backlinks then I would seriously be worried. Google has figured out that a lot of ‘unnatural links’ create this way
  3. Article Marketing. Further bad and cheap SEO tactics that again risk devaluing your website and getting a penalty in SEO terms.
  4. Relying on directories. An old form of SEO tactics was to create backlinks to your site from a wide range and diverse set of websites. The more links that a website had the more value it had – hence the birth of directories. Again though these are now considered low quality links. Summary Of SEO Tactics Focus on building your brand, developing a niche and providing good quality content to your target audience. Be social and build a natural following that will share your content and likewise where relevant share others. In the age of social value and open knowledge give a thought to how you can add value to your audience and do it well. What SEO tactics work for you?
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